The Renner-Brenner Site Park

This site is not financially associated with the City of  Riverside or any other funding, other than your donations.  This is a privately owned sited by Gary Brenner for everyone.

When you donate, please make a note on the donation form that this is for archaeology.

Colorized Photos of Other Sites


                                                                               Excavations in 1969 of the Deister Site.

                                                                                      AKA: 23PL2 and Line Creek Park


West of Parkville & north of Waldren

Early 1940's

From Wedel's book: Archaeological Investigations in Platte  and Clay Counties, 1943

(Above) What do you see in the bottom petroglyph?  Scroll down to the bottom for what I saw.

This petroglyph (below) seems to show a man cutting off another man's head.

I see what appears to be a boy and girl holding some kind of wood-framed net with maybe a fish or something in it.  The "boy" is all dressed up in a fancy headdress of some kind that looks like tubes or bones.

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