The Renner-Brenner Site Park

This site is not financially associated with the City of  Riverside or any other funding, other than your donations.  This is a privately owned sited by Gary Brenner for everyone.

When you donate, please make a note on the donation form that this is for archaeology.

You can search this site here.  Fill in the blank line with your search, then hit the Google Search bar and it will bring up what it can find here.

Colorized Photos of Other Sites


                                                                               Excavations in 1969 of the Deister Site.

                                                                                      AKA: 23PL2 and Line Creek Park


West of Parkville & north of Waldren

Early 1940's

From Wedel's book: Archaeological Investigations in Platte  and Clay Counties, 1943

(Above) What do you see in the bottom petroglyph?  Scroll down to the bottom for what I saw.

This petroglyph (below) seems to show a man cutting off another man's head.

I see what appears to be a boy and girl holding some kind of wood-framed net with maybe a fish or something in it.  The "boy" is all dressed up in a fancy headdress of some kind that looks like tubes or bones.

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