The Renner-Brenner Site Park

This site is not financially associated with the City of  Riverside or any other funding, other than your donations.  This is a privately owned sited by Gary Brenner for everyone.

When you donate, please make a note on the donation form that this is for archaeology.

Roedl & Howard

Leo J. Roedl and James H. Howard

Excerpts from Roedl and Howard's report (1957)
The 1954 field work was a joint undertaking of the Kansas City Archaeological Society, the Kansas City Museum, and the University of Missouri.  Carl Chapman, Professor of American Archaeology at the University of Missouri, acted as advisor the three aforementioned groups. 

The village terrace has been considerably cut up by roads, pipe lines, and residential activities.  Particularly destructive was the construction of a highway cutoff on U. S. 69. [Vivion Road]  Subsequent to the 1954 field season the Great Lakes Pipe Line Company cut yet another trench through the site and it seems likely that within a few more decades little remain of the village area.

In view of the extensive work at the site by Wedel in 1937, it was deemed advisable to follow his plan of excavation in 1954.   Accordingly, Wedel's base line was relocated and all of the five foot squares were numbered according to his system.  The total area excavated was 1300 square feet. 
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