The Renner-Brenner Site Park

This site is not financially associated with the City of  Riverside or any other funding, other than your donations.  This is a privately owned sited by Gary Brenner for everyone.

When you donate, please make a note on the donation form that this is for archaeology.


About the 28 burial mounds that once was in Riverside

If, for example, an archaeologist unearths a piece of a charred acorn nut, that was found in a human-dug storage pit and that nut was radiocarbon-dated, then we can say at the very least that one person lived there.  If several nuts or anything else came from there that we could directly associate with humans, then we would have that many more dates or people.  If you charted all these dates, many would overlap, indicating more than one person and so on.  So I did that.   I took 26 of the recorded sites in the Kansas City area charted and graphed them out and came up with a system to visually display my findings.  I used simple graphic stars and put those over a site to show you prehistoric activity over time.  Below is a result of that work.


1937 Wedel colorized photo with modern photo

Looking southwest with the Renner-Brenner Site Park in left center.

Glaciers covered the continent long before the Hopewell's established themselves.  Here's a visual of the glaciers from 120,000 years ago up to the present. 

A video Gary Brenner made for his grandchildren about his work preserving the Renner Site.  

Mett Shippee & Dr. Walter Burks
This was a 90 second news story on Shippee's reflections on the Line Creek site.  Shippee discovered the scientific importance of both the Renner Site and Line Creek, respectively known as 23PL1 and 23PL2.   Shippee would pass away five years later on March 26, 1985 at the age of 89. Although Shippee taught several students who would become leading archaeologists, Shippee himself did not receive any degree in archaeology until shortly before his death when he got a very long over due honorary doctorate from Park College.

This is a link to Professor Michael Fuller's website.  
Within it are links to several photos of Renner artifacts from both Brenner and Wedel. 
Fuller website
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